Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Elusive Fava Beans

I have found fava beans in quite a few recipes recently. With a name like fava, they sound somehow exciting. Like they're the party bean. Not just fava beans, but fava! beans. So on a recent trip to the grocery store, I tried to find some. I scoured the shelves and prowled the produce section like some kind of vegetable stalker, but to no avail. Seems our grocery store doesn't sell them. Thus I found myself pretty excited this week when we got some in our loot, if only to discover what, exactly, a fava! bean was.

Turns out (and this is a big surprise, so hang on to your seat now) they're beans.

Those aren't the actual beans, of course. Those are just the pods. Bean pods. Like pea pods. To get to the elusive fava beans, you must not only get them out of the pods, but get them out of a second shell around each individual bean. There are a variety of ways to do this, and while it's not hard, it is a bit labor-intensive, which is apparently why people don't buy fava beans.

Once you do get past the second inner shell, they are really just beans, not much different than other beans. For an approximate idea of their size, here is a highly accurate comparison with a pea.

We are both pleased to report that our first experience with fava beans was a good one. They are quite delicious, with a warm, nutty flavor, and they're excellent prepared very simply with a little butter. Brian says "they are my favarite."

Buttered Fava Beans with Chives

fava beans
salt and pepper (you guessed it) to taste

1. Sautee beans in butter
2. Add chives, salt, and pepper

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