Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Welcome! We are two brand-new members, as the title of the blog would suggest, of a local CSA. This is our first time participating in a CSA (what a CSA is), and we are looking forward to quite a few aspects of it. Obviously we are looking forward to eating fresh, local produce, to providing support for small-scale local farmers, and to the ease of simply picking up our vegetables, instead of planning dishes and actually selecting our own vegetables. Really, that's a lot of work.

We're also looking forward to a few other perks:
  • Cooking more and eating healthier. We've already bought these vegetables. Not eating them would be almost literally throwing away money. We've invited these vegetables into our home, to harass us, to mock us, to jeer and nag every time we open the fridge until we actually, at last, consume them and savor the quiet.
  • Saving money. Sure, we paid up front for our share of the produce. That's the idea. Share in the bounty, share in the risk. But the drive to cook more and the drop in our weekly grocery budget just might put us ahead.
  • Adventure! Kohlrabi. Celery root. Tat soi. These are foods I don't think I've ever eaten, much less prepared. And we are determined.  We will not be defeated by some sort of cabbage.
So join us as we try some new things, share a few old favorites, and talk food.

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